Sunday, May 8, 2016

Man and Woman Relationship

I love a woman like iris of my eye
She too loves me like a pie
And uses me for her help
In need of entertaining herself
I don't mind this way treated
For her wisdom being greeted
Still, we don't pull on well
For her desires go like spell
What goes wrong, I ponder
With me or with her, I wonder
Even mutual need and love fail
In keeping us happy together

Man and woman are said
To be antonyms of each other
Grammar books go on further
Keeping this deep into her mind
She behaves opposite to mine
When I become soft with concern
She responds being very stern
On my responding in her way stern
She gets soft and shows concern
On my revision getting soft again
She comes to her stern regain
This way, our love keeps cracking
Like blow hot, blow cold packing
We feel good on one day
Go allergic on the day next
Though I try to be my best

What she needs to know -
Man and woman are reflections
Of each other in mirror of life
To behave soft when I am soft
With right, be tough for me tough
That way, we can go together ripe
A long way on the passage of life
Else, my life is a hell without her
I wish to treat her as bird's feather
Soft and tender, way she is made
But keeps me on the edge of blade

What I expect from her
To be standing in front of me
When I look in a mirror
She be reflection of my mood
To be good when I feel good
Like children playing in a park
Tit for tat, reflections stark

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