Thursday, May 5, 2016

Test of True Love

You say you love a person
You always feel their need
Need diminishes as time passes
Never so in case of love as seed
What you feel is not love
But just your mental greed

Someone entertains you
When you are sad and lonesome
Find difficult to pass your time
The person makes you needed twosome
You feel being in love
It is just the company you need
What you feel is not love
But just your mental greed

Someone felt being a crush
When you find someone handsome
Long badly to be their mate
The person obliges you for the fun
You feel being in love
It is just the obligation you need
What you feel is not love
But just your mental greed

Someone found needs the same
When your libido is intensely fired
Find difficult to control the self
The person makes your body tired
You feel being in love
It is just the gratification your feed
What you feel is not love
But just your mental greed

Someone giving you company in bed
When your procreative instinct is awake
Needing a partner to reproduce
The person provides you needed take
You feel being in love
It is just you expand your creed
What you feel is not love
But just your mental greed

Someone makes you smile
Touches your emotions by few words
In balance with mutual support
Both happy to walk on edge of sword
Both feel belonging for long
It is just the love-seed you need
What you feel is true love
Not just your mental greed

You say you love a person
You always feel their need
Need diminishes as time passes
Never so in case of love as seed
What you feel is not love
But just your mental greed

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