Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Holi Hai !!!

Oh, my Òita, I am still Ram, why not you Sita !

I looked for you for thousands of years
Those oceanic eyes, those lovely ears,
We got parted away full of tears
Let us up-rise to ward off all fears
Would sip all your tears, to make you 'Harshita'
Oh, my Òita, I am still Ram, why not you Sita !

There was a time, we feared social norm
Now bold enough to be in our form
Then, I couldn't bring you golden deer
Now, my heart is of diamond, have it full, my dear!
I am yours, you need not be 'Arpita'
Oh, my Òita, I am still Ram, why not you Sita !

For long, destiny kept us far away
Let us challenge it to have or say !
We would be one, facing the storms
Our thoughts are in sync, so be the forms
I am proud of you, be my 'garbita'
Oh, my Òita, I am still Ram, why not you Sita !

We fear not the Sun, fear not the storm
My arms long to make you dorm
You are my Earth, make me your Moon
Let us rush to be sooner than soon.
I love drenching in rain, be my 'Barshita'
Oh, my Òita, I am still Ram, why not you Sita !

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