Wednesday, March 23, 2016

My Elderly Duty on Beauty

I have in front of me an inspiring face
Defining beauty in its totality -
Brilliance, sophistication, magnetism and
Closest to natural creation as the preface
Such faces are rare to find,
Need eyes alert with application of mind

First thing that invites viewer's sighs  
On that face, is pair of brilliant eyes
Piercing directly into the mind
Those sharp arrows, well defined
By lining of collyrium all around
Makes me proud of what I found

Eyes are not just for viewing or watching
But to convey a huge lot of information
On the person, and their mental formation
The eyes I am viewing have the grace
And modesty of a worthy woman ace
Making a dominant part of the face

Hairs flowing down like a hilly water fall
Cool in the hot summer of life I can recall
Clouds overshadow yet the Moonlight fall
As her grace to make me glitter like silver
Curls conveying space exists in the inner
To accommodate a matching worth
To make him get lost in dreamy girth    

Two petals rosy, existence of blood cozy
Suppressed smile tending to burst open
With a fine trigger of loving gaze worthwhile
Absorbed thro' the eyes, flowing out as smile
At the back of the rosy curtain, there lie
Mysteries of life, sweet and sour, wet and dry

A garland of silken arms in wait to greet
An opportunity so sweet, so discrete
Invitation to a soul-mate prospective
Indication of her welcome attractive
The life waits for building a castle
On dreams, making a way through hassle

Thus, makes up the treasure of hopes
Of bridging life in ambitious ropes
To give back to nature what she got
As gifts of body and soul, not to rot
Uncared and unattended in despair
But as conscious conscientious rare  

The wholesome, I see her, is beauty
Of human life, response and duty
I come on the Earth never to go
But keep the flame of life flaring high
Through such brilliant children of mine

Let there be hope, let there be light

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