Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Why I Go Wrong Always !

Things are not as I suppose
Things go not as I propose
I often go wrong in understanding
People, faces, words and acts
I was swayed by a person -
She said, this is not me but my profession
I was swayed by a face -
She said, it is not me but a mask
I was swayed by words -
She said, these are not mine but of poetess me
I was swayed by an act
She said, this is not mine but of my compulsion
Hence, I go wrong always -
Things are not as I suppose
Things go not as I propose

What has gone wrong with me
Or the people around
I pondered over to find
I move on classic unitary line
Without playing dual roles
Same outside as inside
Same in word and deed
Same in seed and feed
Not smart indeed
Hence, I go wrong always -
Things are not as I suppose
Things go not as I propose

People around are modern
Diplomacy their favorite term
They play duel, triple or quadruple roles
With none knowing what next
They change color like frogs
Bark and shake tail like dogs  
Better managers, better reference terms
Not individuals strong
But institutions and firms
Hence, I go wrong always -
Things are not as I suppose
Things go not as I propose

I loved, she said -
I too love you but I am married
Fail to comprehend her words
If love and marriage are inclusive
Why she loves me
And if exclusive, what is the hesitation
Anyway, I had said -
Keep your marriage intact
And let us love as we like
We happily agreed
With she playing duel role -
As a wife and a beloved
But under covers confidential
With sympathies, I love her intense
And I conclude -
Marriage and love are exclusive
With none else agreeing with me
In open, concurring in mind
Again a play duel
Hence, I go wrong always -
Things are not as I suppose

Things go not as I propose

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