Thursday, March 24, 2016

Insult to Diffusion in Love

It has been so not once, not twice but again and again
When I diffuse myself in your love, you act like coming in
For throwing me out of your mind, after you get entertain !

You ask me to wait when go for something like a meal
Never to return, to show your disinterest in me
To force me to leave you free from madness of my love
I go away to respect your wish with my feelings oppressed,
But again when you wish to play with my emotions,
To get benefit of my weakness for you, you call me again
For throwing me out of your mind, after you get entertain !

You never realize what you have been doing
Torturing me to nothingness close to my death
In the name of your love, tossing me up and down
Pushing me into the worst agony of my life with a wrath
I pray, please don't strangulate me with your chain
For throwing me out of your mind, after you get entertain !

Me too a human-being, though sublime in love for you
I am emotional, wish a treatment I do in your presence
Have limits of tolerance, for waiting, while being ignored
I can bear anything but not insults to my sentiments
For waiting in your love, you keep on enjoying my pain
For throwing me out of your mind, after you get entertain !

You have cut me off from the self, with your game
I am frustrated and disgusted with none to help
So please leave me alone, go your own way
With those favorites who you feel are fair to you
Your game has been crushing me to inflict unbearable pain
For throwing me out of your mind, after you get entertain !

Since such a matter are thorns among flowers of love
Need quick resolution through expressions like 'sorry'
From the person under the cloud
In game of love, there is no winner or a loser
Both win or lose together with the result allowed.
None must be allowed to feel down or in drain  
For throwing me out of your mind, after you get entertain !

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