Monday, March 21, 2016

Stay little Longer, My Darling !

This post is English Translation of my earlier Midnight-Impulse []

Night still remains,
Matter in between us still to explain,
Far away is the Morning,
Stay little longer, stay little longer, my Darling !

You were to arrive at onset of Evening,
But you came with full Moon
Spreading your cloudy hairs soon
Waited for long, longing for you miserably
I suffered even that longing
Stay little longer, stay little longer, my Darling !

My viewing has been watering
Garden of you youth
so juicy is the milky soothe
It is in blossom, let me love the bosom
Let there be wavering
Stay little longer, stay little longer, my Darling !

I missed you so miserably
Forget about going now
Just love, nothing else now
Let time be distinguished, for thirst to be extinguished
Poison of separation still boiling
Stay little longer, stay little longer, my Darling !

So far done nothing, so far happened nothing
Vermilion is still not flicked
Bangles still not clicked
Let your hairs fling
Stay little longer, stay little longer, my Darling !

Let eyes go ajar, make me sip the nectar
Let this home not be lone
Make it a kids zone
Procreatively, we sing

Stay little longer, stay little longer, my Darling !

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