Sunday, April 3, 2016

A Random Introspection

The way things are moving around
After my passion for poetry was found
About 15 days back, I am amazed
Feel like an air balloon flying high
Still stringed to ground raised !

Lot of children coming to find flowers
In my garden, I am generous about
Many new friends made
Many friendships intensified en-route
Often laugh loud on the present
Smile for future something bright
Yet unknown, about relationships
From faraway quarters I dream
Though nothing known, nothing in sight !

Today evening after a likable meal
Slept for an hour on inner demand
Heavy preparations were going on
For my marriage ceremony grand
Huge gathering of friends and relationships
Busy everybody fondly excited
Combing my hairs after a bath
Worried to find my silver hairs
Stopped from combing leaving to
Hair dresser on attendance
Decorative structures being erected
Around home for the ceremony
Everywhere joys in abundance !
Laughter burst out about the dream
On waking up, got busy with thoughts on
Why such a dream, no justification found
Still feel - written something boldly
On the canvas that dream only found !

The way I'm feeling relaxed now a days
Is unprecedented, unlike my natural ways
For my assurance to the self -
Have enough time for everything I may wish
No worry, no hurry, nothing is going to perish
This is not passivity, working 12 hours a day
Whole day, pleasure and gay, hopeful way
Not complacency, nothing allowed to happen
But designed, made efforts to put on tray !

Anger, a trait I liked, is disappeared

Problems and immoralities around
I used to complain about feeling strife
Don't trouble me now
Viewed as minor issues for my larger life
Everything is not going to my liking
Feel confident on my strength

What stays is right, what goes away is wrong
An external balance is going to establish
With my own strengths and glam
Hence, I need nothing else to do
Except being strong in everything I am !

Feel, things are going to burst some day
Explosion - from within outward,
Also implosion - from outside to inward
Both forming an aura around
Of colorful glitters and shines
Bathing me with bliss non-hazard !

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