Wednesday, April 20, 2016

O' Nonsense Gods and their Agents Prime

O' nonsense gods and their agents prime
Have been cheating humans for long time
Misguiding them to have sickness n pains
Been against principles of natural gains -
Through honest work and mutual supports
Humanity can survive with respectful cords
Without bowing their heads to any crime
O' nonsense gods and their agents prime

I have come to understand nasty games -
Of births after births, prerecorded fates
Divine terrors of quakes, floods and sects
When we forget natural cause and effects
Of bowing human heads in worship ritual
Lower self-esteem and confidence actual
Challenge you in each field at all the time
O' nonsense gods and their agents prime

Theism and atheism are your dirty terms
World with no-god, people self-confident
Some idiots created religions carrying gods
Lower human values putting them in odds
We are Swastika believe in own existence
Why we be atheists to react theistic fence
We are the original, theists latter in time
O' nonsense gods and their agents prime!

Shameless you coward with no semen
Disease our dear and delicate women
Why don't you dare to attack my kind
Fear to get vanished from human mind
We love our women keep them happy
Idiots you, attract them talking crappy
Leave out your business and your crime
O' nonsense gods and their agents prime!

Once women get sick, unable to care kids
Their generations get sick in tits and bits
Never they understand the plot you hatch
Against humanity, through delicate catch
It's our duty to save n respect our women
For our generations being healthy n sane
Have taken undue advantage of sublime
O' nonsense gods and their agents prime!

I vow to vanish you, shifting human focus
Inspired from our greats Vishnu and Jesus
Who never said of gods and religious fable
Who never authored Brahmans and Bible
It's criminal minds, enemies of humanity
Who sowed seeds of of gods n religiosity
Let human spirit awake, stop your crime

O' nonsense gods and their agents prime!



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