Sunday, April 24, 2016

Love Felt Existing, Why Ends in Pain

Open history books on love tenure
To find each love ending in failure
Why so, needs our pondering over
Love and pain coexisting since ever
Love and health are closely related
Hence only healthy are love slated

Love is ideal divine, we are of matter
Love puts 'you' before, 'I' come latter
Divine is that gives without expecting
Matter works with each act reacting
Thus, divine and matter don't coexist
So, we make difficult love to subsist
For our seeking pleasures and gains
Learn nothing from clouds and rains
Which just give their bliss to forget
While we measure what can we get

We need to think why love needed
'cause pain comes in love unseeded
Pain makes sick, in need of medicine
Love is real remedy to cure the grim
It costs nothing, no hard way earning
Peace of mind, sufficiency in feeling
Error-free work in presence of mind
This brings real happiness of its kind

Love is not matter, only a feeling
Known to those, life out of reeling
In between luxuries and comforts
Mind crystal clear, in rest resorts
Happy with nothing, no demands
Time invested, thought commands
Life travel straight intellectual line
Mind remains active, health is fine
Food local cheap, simple and Jain
Clothing whatever, shelter like den
They live less physical to feel more
Hence, love resides inside their core

Whose body sickly aching not rare
Go on rushing earning needing care
Must keep busy with lusty shrouds
Shouldn't enter arena of love bouts
They make love to fail, in their trail
Hence, love defamed to end in pain
Love and health are closely related
Hence only healthy are love slated

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