Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Love Redefined

Love is a psycho phenomenon of wide spectrum
Covers whole canvas of life of loving twosome!!

Two in love sharing things not being doubtful
Pleasures and sorrows, moods - sad or awful
Thoughts and feelings, caring and protective
Work and hobbies, creative or productive
Inclusive of sex, touches to come, come, come!
Love is a psycho phenomenon of wide spectrum!

Two pleasuring sex without love in between
Becomes a lust that amounts to being a sin
It is just at physical level, minds gone in slumber,
Opted to satiate transient bodily need like hunger
Once the hunger is gone, need ends like fulcrum
Love is a psycho phenomenon of wide spectrum!

Hunger and lust alike in nature, differ in result
One needs food, other involves in sex unjust
Food taken in hunger nourishes body and mind
But lust corrupts the body, corrupts the mind
Lust bothers not for goodness of the twosome
Love is a psycho phenomenon of wide spectrum!

Love is not for a need, ends with end of the need
Love is to serve an emotional out-surge as a seed
For we all need other's connectivity for fulfillment
As instinctive need of life to satiate the sentiment
Binding love in a narrow definition is not welcome
Love is a psycho phenomenon of wide spectrum!

While sexual gratification may be needed in love
Involvement in it leads to more of intense love
When sex becomes a compulsive need for lovers
Its total gratification adds to love more beauty
Such an interaction is not a sin but a pious duty
But it must be lead by love, not the reverse come
Love is a psycho phenomenon of wide spectrum!

True love is reflected in words used by the two
During formal conversations with other things too
If the phrases used often have 'I' before 'you'
The relationship intended is selfish, like 'I love you'
A true loving expression would be 'you are loved'
'You deserve…', may be 'I am with you, what come'
Love is a psycho phenomenon of wide spectrum!

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