Sunday, April 17, 2016

My Love is not Blind

My love is not blind
It's always intense, and
Intolerant to feeble response
When I'm deep in love with my find
My love is not blind!

My love is not blind
For going one way for long
It needs equitable response
With all time alert and care
And pains and pleasures to share
If you can't come up
My expectations, in your view, foul or fair
Get off my way, let me lay
With my lonesome pains
With losses or gains
I don't go behind
My love is not blind!

My love is not blind
To be provided out of sympathy
Same way, I need no sympathy or mercy
For my lonesome nights, struggles and fights
I am me, would go my own way
Don't need any self-centered gay
Yet, I need and appreciate
Love on equality terms
With none superior or inferior
But both of the same kind
My love is not blind!

My love is not blind
To go under control of lust
Its objective is not the lust
But it may use lust as its byproduct
To satiate the bodies in love
To make the minds to work
Free from unfulfilled desires
It's unique and of its own kind
My love is not blind!

My love is not blind
But conditioned to purity
And disciplined for surety
That I am equally loved
Like action and reaction
When bodies get rubbed!
Those seeking fans or sycophants
Are to keep away from me
I vouch for love between friends
Of equal needs and values
With none to lead, none behind
My love is not blind!

My love is not blind
For forgiving intentional faults
Nor for faults oft repeated
I don't seek to be forgiven
For my drifts, if any, from straight path
Wish to be told about
And punished openly
To make me a perfect lover
Forever, forever in future
Faults are faults, of whatever kind
My love is not blind!

My love is not blind
To be active on a passive loath
If you intend to be in love with me
I am available but for only one
Who fits my bill the best -
You are being loved intensely
To love back with the same intensity
No passivity is tolerated
Love must be full of activity
It begins with the softest touches
And goes to the wildest tussles
Between two warriors of equal strength
For long long hours of day or night
Until the both fall dead in the love pool
Refurbished and rejuvenated again
For the next of the same kind

My love is not blind! 

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